HomeThe Bible Factor PodcastThe War on Children

The War on Children

It may sound like an extreme statement but the godless progressives want to destroy the lives of children by allowing the nonreversible destructive changes brought about by an increasingly transgender agenda controlled medical and judiciary community.

Nancy Pelosi has made it a priority to pass her Equality Act that will enshrine the LGBTQ agenda into the Civil Rights Act.

The war extends to the unborn and the newborn as well:
Virginia’s Gov is OK With Killing Born-Alive Babies

Raw Transcript:

Nancy pelosi’s Equality Act could protect transgender child abuse, whether that’s a mouthful. A judge allows the Colorado Baker to sue the state for religious persecution and more Americans die from opioids and car crashes. I’m pastor Paul Holt and this is the Bible factor. All right, well we have quite a bit to get into today trying to publish more articles on the Fiber Bible factor website struggling with the use of my mouth and speaking. Uh, and I would just ask that you prayerfully consider subscribing to the newsletter or updates via email or that you subscribe on Youtube or iTunes. Uh, and just let me know what you think about what I’m doing. Uh, do you believe that what I’m doing is useful not only to those that are already consuming this content but to the body of Christ in general. I think there are so many issues that we just need to tackle as believers in Jesus Christ and realize that the enemy is hard at work to transform our society, to bring about our destruction.

And while a certain amount of that is inevitable, as we have peaked at the end of the book, I do believe that each and every Christian has an obligation to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ. Speak out against these evil things that are going on in our society and be willing to challenge the world, be willing to spread the gospel. Now, not all of us can make videos, not all of us are preachers, but the fact is God has given each and every one of us certain gifts, spiritual gifts that he will use to further the Kingdom of Christ. And we need to be, uh, making this clear because let’s face it, this world is looking to destroy children, looking to destroy adults, looking to take away our liberty and our freedom. And this is borne out by several of the stories that I want to tackle today. Nancy Polosi is a wanting to pass a new act as she calls it, the Equality Act. And it really has to do with giving transgendered agenda.

Well, giving the people that want to promote the transgendered agenda, power over the medical community, overstates over parents. And really take away our fundamental freedoms as we currently enjoy them. Americans have long understood that children are best cared for by their parents, uh, those, according to an article in the daily signal, I did a writeup of something very similar on the Bible factor.com, but it says the state can only intervene in the family when there is a demonstrable evidence of abuse and neglect. And I would argue that that’s not necessarily true because we are redefining what abuse and neglect really is a just take last year in Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from our parents’ custody after they declined to help her transition to male with testosterone supplements that Cincinnati Children’s gender clinic recommended these treatments for gender dysphoria, that condition of being distressed with one’s biological sex, and when her parents want her to treat her with counseling.

Instead, the county prosecutor charged them with abuse and neglect. While transgender activists and Pro Trans doctors compared their decision to deny and treatment for asthma or even cancer patients. And of course, this is a ridiculous argument, but a judge found in favor of sexual immorality and destructive behavior by doctors. You have to realize that when you introduce hormone therapy to a person to try to bring them over from one gender to another, you do not change their gender. You cannot change a biological male or a biological female into the opposite gender. You can give them traits. Sure you can make a girl very hairy and maybe even muscular. You can bring about facial hair by giving her massive amounts of testosterone. But that doesn’t change her DNA. That doesn’t even change her biological makeup because she still has a uterus. She still has, um, you know, fallopian tubes and all that until they are surgically removed.

And let’s face it, once you make radical and destructive changes like that, you can’t easily or at all, undo those changes. Once you remove body parts, putting them back. Well, let’s face it, it’s not an easy task and it’s next to impossible in most cases, especially once the destruction has already been done. And what’s interesting about this to me, I’ve read two stories over the last month, month and a half, somewhere in there of, and I have decided not to post it, even though I know it would get a lot of hits on the website, uh, to deal with it. Uh, I may write up a, a generalized story, but there are two stories in particular have 10 year old boys who are being encouraged to dress up as girls and then they are being sexualized by allowing their parents, encouraging them to dance at gay bars or to a dance as sexualized females in front of audiences that are quite frankly, uh, well sexually deviant.

They are wanting to engage in lewd behavior with these young boys. And what we should also realize is that the transgendered and Lgbtq community is wanting to normalize pedophilia even as it’s normalizing transgendered issues. The fact is that what we’re attempting to do is to destroy our children. And one of the ways that we’re wanting to do this is through legislation. House speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s. Top legislative priority is the passage of the Equality Act. And it could give the transgendered community a vice grip over the medical profession. It could open the flood gates for lawsuits against doctors who don’t fall in line with transgender ideology. They are politicizing medical treatment of gender dysphoria, and it could lead to more prosecutions against parents who refuse to aid in the sterilization of their children. The fact is that there are more doctors that are recommending now that children take puberty, blockers at age 11, a cross sex hormones at age 16 and undergo sex reassignment surgeries at age 18.

And parents who resist, uh, well even without this bill could face prosecution from a well from many different agencies. They could face child abuse and lose custody of their children. And it’s not just Ohio. There are several states that have passed similar acts to give this kind of power to the Lgbtq community. And doctors are having a hard time coming against these things because the laws are changing. The judges are, uh, the, especially the liberal, godless liberal judges are embracing this stuff and forcing doctors and parents to, to engage in destructive behavior. Things that violate the oath that doctors took to do no harm. Some states have already passed law, similar to Pelosi’s Equality Act in New Jersey and California transgender activists have sued Catholic hospitals for discrimination on the basis of gender identity because they wouldn’t perform sex change surgeries for patients with gender dysphoria.

These lawsuits may seem preposterous and most of us may just shrug your shoulders and go, oh, those crazy lives, but they were enabled by state antidiscrimination laws that treat sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes and healthcare facilities as public accommodations. The texts of the equality act that was introduced in the 115th Congress does the same and we may say, but pastor Paul, the Democrats don’t control the Senate or the presidency. Look how quickly the house flipped. Look how quickly things change. It could be that president trump does not get elected to a second term as president of the United States. It may be that the Senate flips and these kinds of agendas will pass easily.

If there is a majority in the Senate and there is a Democrat in the White House, Pelosi’s bill would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the 1964 civil rights act, making hospitals and doctors across America vulnerable to costly litigation if they don’t follow the medical recommendations of the transgender movement. Well, the American psychology, uh, associations manual of mental disorders, which I’m sure Cheryl will be changed before too long, classify as gender dysphoria as a mental illness. Research shows that 75 to 95 percent of children with gender dysphoria who go through puberty without any transgender treatments actually become comfortable with their bodies. Let’s face it, young boys and young girls are always discomfortable are uncomfortable going through puberty. We hate ourselves when we go through that change because we don’t understand everything that’s happening. Our parents do what they can depending on the kind of parents that we have, but they’re limited and we go through doubts. We doubt ourselves. We, we don’t really have a good understanding of who we are. And that’s where a biblical worldview comes in. If we are teaching our children who they are in Jesus Christ, they can have the strength to go through all of the doubts that naturally occur anyway, but when you have the craziness that’s being promoted in schools and in society, popular programs that encourage children to cross dress and that it’s okay to question their gender identity.

Well, guess what happens? They start questioning their gender identity and they start to embrace these lifestyle choices just as with homosexuality and eventually the agenda leads to other sexual immorality, including pedophilia. I believe we’re already seeing that being pushed in certain areas of our society and it’s coming into the mainstream. The transgender movement ignores the statistics that I just quoted and the fact is that Dr, uh, Michelle Critio, executive director of the American College of pediatrician, describes this as institutional child abuse. What do we want to try to introduce the, the hormones and the sex reassignment surgery? Transgender activists have already tried to silence doctors who warn patients about these dangers. The human rights campaign, a leading lgbt group, devotes an entire website to try to discredit Dr Paul Mchugh, the former lead psychiatrist at John Hopkins University Hospital, who put a stop to the hospital. Sex reassignment surgeries. Mccue says the surgeries were fundamentally cooperating with a mental illness. Transgender activists and pro transpositions often seek to exclude parents from the process of medical decisionmaking. Cincinnati’s Children’s hospital transgender health clinic says parents may be excluded from interviews because they might make their children feel uncomfortable asking questions, and we’ve seen this in the past in many hospitals where doctors and let’s face it, child protective services a green with doctors when those doctors say that a certain treatment is needed, not just in the transgender movement, but in general, that a doctor has the authority to override a parent because parents don’t know better.

You see, the groundwork has been laid for transforming the United States and the world into a very, a very confused place

because we’re taking away the authority of the individual, the authority of parents, and we’re saying that young children who can’t even make the right choice in food. You know what kid do you know eats right? Unless their parents tell them to, you know, kids would be just fine eating all the sweets possible. In fact, a lot of adults do the same thing, but the fact is that they don’t make good decisions in a lot of areas of their lives. Most children aren’t very good at doing their homework on a regular basis unless their parents tell them, no, you need to sit down and you need to do the hard work. It’s important. Well, same thing’s true in these kinds of matters as well. You need parental guidance. You don’t need the whackadoodles at these hospitals. The psychiatrist who were godless and in embrace this kind of destructive ideology.

You don’t need them making these decisions and we shouldn’t be given them the power cyfd or child protective services. They don’t step in when parents are abusing their children by allowing them to cross dress and allowing them to sexualize themselves and perform before a gay audience or before a, a audience that enjoys that kind of thing. They, I mean, there are laws on the books. Literal laws were cyfd could stop, step in, take the children out of the household and prosecute parents for child abuse, but no, these things are now celebrated instead of condemned and we’re going to see this change continue, unless we as a nation, choose to repent of our wicked ways and hear from heaven, humble ourselves and pray. I’m just telling you. All right. Just a couple of other quick stories to hit. A judge allows Colorado Baker to sue the state of Colorado for religious persecution.

Jack Phillips, the Colorado Baker, who want a narrowly defined victory with the US Supreme Court over his right to control what types of cakes he could create his back in the news once again over the very same issue, over a different type of cake. On the very same day that the Supreme Court allowed the appeal of Jack Phillips, his case to come before them. Well, a Denver attorney approached Jack Phillips and said, Hey, I want you to bake for me a gender transition cake where it’s pink on the inside and blue on the outside. Jack Phillips, of course, refused and now he’s going through the whole cycle once again, and, uh, the alliance defending freedom has defending Phil has been defending Phillips writes in these cases and issued a statement pointing out that other businesses in the state have a right to refuse projects they disagree with, but Philips is being singled out because of his faith.

They said while the states allow other cake artists to decline a request to create custom cakes that express messages they deem objectionable and would not express for anyone. Colorado treats phillips differently. The ADF said this desperate treatment the court said reveals the states, the state officials ongoing hostility towards Phillips, which is sufficient to establish they are pursuing the discrimination charges against phillips in bad faith, motivated by Philips. Religion. Fact is that a Jack Phillips is being persecuted because of his Christianity. So we not only need to pray for Jack Phillips, but for Christian business owners in general, that we don’t lose the, the ability to make a choice in favor of our faith. All right. Um, one last story. Although, you know, I am looking to write an article hopefully a little later today about Chris Pratt and him being trashed online for announcing that he’s going to take a prayer, a 21 day prayer centered fast.

Um, I also wanted to, wanted to quickly go over this story that more Americans are dying from opioids. Then from car crashes. This again is on the Bible factor.com website. It is a sad commentary on American society that for the first time the National Safety Council is reporting that more Americans have died from an accidental drug overdose than from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. According to the report after the in a see examined the data from various state and federal agencies, more Americans had died from opioid overdoses than from falls. Pedestrian incidents, drownings and fire classified as an accidental poisoning death. The National Safety Council reported that there was an 11 percent increase in such deaths from 2016 to 2017. America is given itselves self over to drugs. The world is as well, but especially as we see more and more states legalizing marijuana, including my own state of New Mexico as this legislative session is trying to pass the full legalization of marijuana, we’re starting to see an increase in the amount of people using not only illegal drugs, but even prescribed drugs.

They’re taking too many of them and committing an accidental, if you will, they were having an accidental poisoning, and the fact is that we need to be praying for the United States in this regard to we need to be seeking the Lord because we are dying from our own choices and we don’t even realize it. Alright? Wanted to end with a a verse from John Chapter Eight actually versus 32 and 30, 31 and 32 where it says, then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, if you abide in my word, you are my disciples. Indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. You see, the truth is that Jesus came to save us from our sin. There’s nothing we can do to overcome sin except to turn to Jesus Christ. We must reject the darkness and step into the light. We’re going to be confused over these basic issues.

What does it mean to be a man or a woman? What is it? What is sexual morality? What is morality in general? Why should we avoid drugs? All of these stories take us back to the same truth. Without Jesus, we are lost and we’re doomed. Look, I know that the Bible teaches that things will get desperately wicked and evil in the last days, but it is still our obligation to teach the truth in love, to declare the truth so that people will not be enslaved to drugs or to sexual morality or to any of the rest of the sins that so easily entangles us who need the truth of Jesus Christ. We need the truth of his word and the truth of the Holy Spirit and we need it right now. I’m pastor Paul Holt, and this has been the Bible factor. May the Lord Richly bless you. Indeed, as you seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. God bless you.

Paul Holt
Paul Holt
Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

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