HomeBible Factor UpdateThe Cold Hearts Created by Abortion Allow for Designer...

The Cold Hearts Created by Abortion Allow for Designer Babies

The culture of death and the idolatry of humanist self-determination have created a cold-hearted generation that desires the perfect family structure at the expense of their other children’s lives.

IVFAn article in the Monday edition of the Wall Street Journal describes how many fertility clinics that perform in vitro fertilization or IVF, test for the sex of the child along with defects, and are now providing family balancing or sex selection for couples that have no problem with conception.

This soft form of eugenics is becoming popular with many clinics now seeing 20% of their patients for family balancing. The article makes the barbaric practice sound trendy and thoughtful as many families find themselves with too many boys or girls or if the family wants only two children to balance the family with the other sex.

What the article does not deal with is the fact that several children are formed during the IVF process and while one is chosen, the others are discarded as so much rubbish.

Many nations practice sex selection but it is usually done after birth when little girls are killed simply for being little girls. Do not be fooled, we are heading toward designer babies where parents can choose their children’s eye color and intelligence.

When people take up the role of playing God the results can bring disaster. China already has millions of grown men without the prospect of a wife because of that country’s one child policy.

The fact is that the Lord knows what He is doing when He blesses us with the children that we have and we do not have the right to discard our kids just because we are too selfish to love them the way that they are made, without regard to their sex, their eye color or anything else.

Our responsibility is to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.


Paul Holt
Paul Holt
Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

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