
Category: The Bible Factor Podcast

TBF009- The End of Marriage

In an age of disposable phones and fast food, marriage is rare. It is a question of commitment and devotion, both of which are...

TBF008-Take Back America

Believers Should Not Allow the godless to Control America's Direction Why do believers allow the godless progressives control the direction of the United States of...

TBF007- The Lives of Children or the Right to Eat Cake

Finding What is Important to Our Country Resurrection Sunday is a time to return to the source of life and our salvation. While the more...

TBF006-Blessings and Curses: The Choices of a People and Its Leaders Affect the Course of a Nation

While we blame our leaders for the course of our country the truth is that our leaders are chosen by us, at least in...

TBF005- Connecting the Dots: Blood Moons, Israel and Obama

There is much talk about the blood moons of 2015. Could there be a correlation between these celestial events and what is happening with...

TBF004- Ferguson, Racism and Human Trafficking

This week saw the shooting of police in Ferguson, Missouri as the justice department declared the police department racist. We also saw a racist...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
