
Category: The Bible Factor Tubecast

Crime & Punishment in New Mexico

New Mexico is facing real problems in its handling of crime and punishment. From child rapist, car thieves and politicians being soft on crime...

Challenging the Strong Delusion

Christians are called to challenge the darkness and decay of this world by being salt and light but we need the tools to do...

Bringing in the Fruit

During Sukkot we are to bring in the fall harvest the mature harvest unlike the first fruits of Passover and Pentecost. The question we...

God’s Grace is For the Unlovable, Even Politicians

We are to pray for those who do not enjoy the favor and grace of the Lord. It is our job to plead on...

The Revelation Economy

Could our current godless progressive ideology be leading us to the Revelation economy?

God Living Among Us and Living Water

Sukkot is a time to rejoice, we have been forgiven much but now we must set aside our sorrow and embrace the joy of...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
