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Who Has the Authority Over Sin, God or the Government?

The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal of Denver-based Little Sisters of the Poor nuns, who refused to comply with the requirement that the insurance policies for their employees cover abortion pills.
At stake is nothing less than the freedom of religion to deny the government the authority to determine what is a sin, after all such authority belongs to God alone, does it not?

It may be surprising to most people to hear but nuns are Catholic and hold the belief that life is sacred, even the lives of the unborn. It turns out that the nuns are opposed to killing children and they even oppose helping others kill children because they read that the Lord forbids killing people or sacrificing children even to the false god of humanism.

The Obama administration using the Affordable Healthcare Act has said it is fine for the nuns to oppose abortion on demand but that they must sign and authorize their health insurance to pay for others to have abortions.

So the Little Sisters of the Poor had to oppose the government and its mandate that abortion is not a sin according them and that supersedes scripture and God by taking the government to court. The court must decide if Obamacare can overturn the first amendment and before you say it is a no brainer consider that the court has found fines to be taxes to save Obamacare before.

The Little Sisters charge the government is forcing them to violate their faith by giving them a choice between providing contraceptives and abortion pills directly or ordering them to sign over their responsibility to someone else.
It was the 10th circuit court that determined the government had the right to declare what is sinful by stating that signing the paper would not make the Little Sisters “morally complicit in providing contraceptive coverage”.

It is the Lord who defines what is sin and what is Torah. It is by God’s righteous standard we are judged not by the whims of depraved men and women who believe they know better than God.

It was the Supreme Court along with lower courts, congress and a long line of US presidents who defined what was human and what was not, they even determined who was a fraction of a human. Yet, the Lord has never waivered in His decree that all people are made in the image of God and are so valuable to Him that He sent His only Son to die for all who will repent of their sin and accept His free gift of salvation.

Just because congress, the president and the Supreme Court have defined a human with certain inalienable rights as a person born or of a certain intelligence or health does not change the fact that all people are human and valuable to God from conception to when the Lord takes them home not a doctor.

Who had the authority over mankind and to determine what is sin, it is the Lord not the government.

Paul Holt
Paul Holt
Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

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