HomeBible Factor UpdateA Woman's Right to Lose and #Shoutyourabortion

A Woman’s Right to Lose and #Shoutyourabortion

The mindset that brings about an abortion is firmly grounded in the pride of self-interest. Whether the mother is protecting herself, her career or her lifestyle she is killing her child because it is what is good for her.

If you want proof of this you need look no further than Twitter and the hash tag shout your abortion. A woman started the hash tag following the mostly meaningless congressional vote on September 19 to defund Planned Parenthood following the revelations that the organization was profiting on the sale of murdered babies body parts.

In a tweet earlier this week the woman stated, “I set up #ShoutYourAbortion because I am not sorry and I will not whisper.”

She also wrote a post laden with profanity and defiance as she described her abortion experience as no big deal and the right thing to do rather than be saddled with a “non-baby”.

Abortion advocates often cite a woman’s right to her own body and the convenience of having sex with anyone at anytime and if it results in pregnancy when you don’t want it, remove the fetus because a fully developed woman is more important.

The truth is much more sad. Women are fight for the right to loose, to loose their heart, to loose their future, and dare I say it, to loose the children that counted on them to be protective instead of selfish.

A woman was meant to be a strong life giver. That is what the word in Hebrew means. She was given a sacred trust to love and nourish the life she was blessed to carry. Not destroy that life.

It is said in the bible that in the last days men’s hearts would grow cold, but when it comes to abortion we find on Twitter at least that it is the woman’s heart who has grown cold and calloused to the children.

Paul Holt
Paul Holt
Pastor Paul is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. He also works full time at a dental office in Socorro, NM as an administrator. Paul has appeared on radio, television and writing articles for many years where he has analyzed current events and trends from a biblical perspective.

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