
Category: Bible Factor Update

Disney Uses Beauty and the Beast to Introduce Homosexuality to Children

There is a new live action version of Beauty and the Beast coming to theaters in March that will have a homosexual “moment” between...

President Trump Lays Out a Vision For the USA

President Donald Trump laid out his vision for the United States and even got some Democrats to applaud a time or two (except Nancy...

Pride Cometh Before the Oscars

The history-making gaff of Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway on Sunday underscores not only that Hollywood is not perfect but that we as Christians...

Going Cold Turkey on Unaffordable Healthcare

Conservatives are getting disappointed that Republican leaders have yet to repeal and replace Obamacare but most of them don't have the stomach for it....

A Place for Sin and Milo Yiannopoulos

Should conservatives, especially Christians be lifting up Milo as a conservative leader? How conservative is a conservative when that conservative is progressive?

US Schools Taking Away Children’s Meat and Cheese Over a Fairytale

I was amazed to find out that there are schools in America that are reducing or removing meat from school lunches and replacing it...

Worldwide News, Local News in San Francisco, Tips & Tricks
